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A Website Where You Get Suggestions From Like Minded People

The Pitch

You can build a website where people suggest products that you might like based on the products that you like.

Basically if you like this you will love that.


Someone is searching for a soft drink that is similar to Pepsi.

Or someone looking for a song similar to Michael Jackson Thriller.

Or someone looking for a show that they might like similar to those that they have seen.


This can be used by everyone. Everyone can submit a suggestion and it will help people try something new that they might like.


You can run ads targeting what people like. It's very simple and effective.


You can enable sharing on platforms like Facebook and Twitter so users can try something new and suggest it to others.

FarrisFahad 12 Hours
Posts: 16 (2,493 Words) 2 Weeks
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Discussions: 3 2 Weeks
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Joined On: August 2024
How can you make this idea work?
By: FarrisFahad 4 Weeks
Replies: 0 12 Views