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A Website Where You Get Paid For Reading Emails

The Pitch

You can build a website where users pay other users to get in touch with them.


You can contact a very busy person like Bill Gates to pitch to him a software idea that is going to change the world.

Or you can reach out to Eminem to tell him about yourself and why he should sign you as a rapper.

Or you can ask a doctor if he can diagnose your illness.


This can be huge for people who have a lot of following like Elon Musk or Oprah because the payment feature will force users to only contact them when it's important.


You can earn money by getting a cut of the payments that users make to contact other users.

And of course, you can run ads.


You can have an affiliate program and pay users to promote your website.

You can also try to reach out to famous people and tell them about your website.

FarrisFahad 24 Hours
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Joined On: August 2024
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