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A Website Where You Can Keep Your Followers Up To Date

The Pitch

You can build a website where people create projects that they have been working on and keep their followers up to date.

They can share real results and provide useful tips to their readers.


You can follow a person with their website journey and how they are earning money online.

Or you can follow a company that is working on a project like a research.

Or you can follow a scientist with their research on a new invention.


This can help people learn from real world experience and get insight from projects they are interested on.


You can add a subscription for some projects or you can charge users for reading the news first.


You can promote this using Google Ads and search engines.

FarrisFahad 12 Hours
Posts: 16 (2,493 Words) 2 Weeks
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Discussions: 3 2 Weeks
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Joined On: August 2024
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