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How Google Search Works? SERPs Analysis For Same Keywords

First Search ...

"how to rank on google"

I found that almost all results had the keyword "google" in their title.

This means that if you enter a brand name Google will probably return results containing that brand name.

Second Search ...

"how to rank on picturepunches"

When I changed "google" with "picturepunches" I found that all results were about PicturePunches and none were from Google.

This means that including or excluding brand names are important when it comes to search and none of the first search results were found here.

Third Search ...

"how to rank"

The first suggestion by Google was "how to rank in excel" and the results for this search term was mainly about excel but it had some other results that were shown in the suggestions.

This means that if you don't complete your key term Google will assume that you are mainly talking about their first suggestion or the rest of the suggestions, but mainly the first one.

Forth Search ...

"how to rank in excel"

This term had two findings ...

This could only mean two things ...

Fifth Search ...

"rank formula in excel 2013"

I found that Microsoft was dropped by 3 positions and the same website from previous search was ranking at the top of the results.

And now I have added " and 2007" to see how it effected the results and I found out that positions were changing with results that had "2007" and other years in it.

Comparing Two Searches ...

Now I have compered two similar searches with the same keyword but in different positions:

The results were interesting. For the first one Google was ranking Microsoft in the 3rd position while ranking the same page in the 1st result for the second key term.

In Conclusion ...

I found that keywords are important. Don't expect to rank for "how to rank in google" when your title has "microsoft" in it. And the order of keywords is very important when it comes to search.

FarrisFahad 3 Hours
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